Deutsch Englisch
Zukunftspreis 2011 Gewinner Qualitäts-Auszeichnung 2010

Partnership of Environment

The Berec actively cooperates with scientific institutions in the field of recycling and the environment in the fields of energy and resource efficiency.

The following quote of a common project with TU Berlin describes the advantages of the method of Berec in film recycling:


In a direct comparison of PE manufacturing and material recycling it is evident, that one kilograms PE can be be recycled almost eight times to achieve the energy requirements of the PE production.


Project work: Comparative energy balance between material and energy recycling plastic for identifying optimization features.
M. Hagen - Dietz, registration number 218 065, 25.03. 2011


The Environmental Partnership of the member Berec in the country Brandenburg. was founded In the year 2009 The company was confirmed in 2011 as an environmental partner.





Mrs. Tack Environment Minister and Minister of Economy Ralf Christoffers handed over the certificate to Mr. Engelmann.